Love is so powerful that it can create life, and destroy it too.
Love can destroy and bring down even the strongest person.
Love can create jealousy, hate and betray. why hate and jealous ?because we cant get love.
Love bring peace, joy, happiness and also depression and discouraging.
Love can get you up high or drop you flat to the ground.
Love can give you comfort or hurt and pain.
Love creates hope, a hope that is so great that everything can be possible.
Love gives faith, power to move and stay strong in heart.
Love motivate, it can motivate someone to be better,or even change a person.
Love support.
Love to me is a choice, a decision we can make. You either choose to love or not to love.In a relationship, Love is powerful. Without love there will be no connection. People say we need chemistry to like someone. Its true. I agree.But how chemistry come from ? Does chemistry also same like love ? Is it choice we can make ?Can we give chemistry ? i dont think we can give chemistry just like that.
And i think it is also a decision we can make, to accept the person and then chemistry can flow out. Chemistry wont appear when a person is not accepting the other person, there's a gap in our mind that we are not giving the space for the person. The flow is blocked. Chemistry cant grow when there is no space in the person's heart.But by accepting a person doesnt mean defintely will have chemistry or love,if there's no chemistry then you know it is a NO.
To accept a person is to love the person , you cant accept a person without love.
To love is also to have faith, to have faith in that person and the relationship you are building. Future of a relationship is decided by the journey of time a couple spend through. Things might not happen in the way we wanted. But with the person you love, future is always good, no matter what happen.
It requires a lot of commitment and responsibility to keep the relationship going. TRUST and BELIEVE !
Love hurt, and it hurt a lot sometimes. And sometimes it can kill a person.Suicidal, depression, gone crazy and etc.
Here are the few example.
Jeong Da-bin

Ruslana Sergeevna Korshunova

Russian supermodel, Korshunova died after falling from the ninth-floor balcony of her apartment. Korshunova's most telling message came in March 2008: "I'm so lost. Will I ever find myself?"
A friend or someone you love, they all need love, attention and care.The devil knows that and devil always like to attack us from there. Once there is a chance, the devil will try to pull us down to hell.But it's ok, because love is powerful.
Love is greater. Love is God and God is love!
Nowadays where love is lost and love is poisoned.Young people looking for love and they found the wrong love. Keep putting in the wrong things into the hole in their heart. They keep looking for people for acceptence, hoping they can find true love.
Sex,drugs,wrong relationship or friedship,money,fame,lust over things.These are the thing that people trying to fit in their heart. But all these things cant fit. The only thing that can fit in our heart is Jesus. Our heart is originnaly made for Him.
God so so so love the world, love us ..He gave is one and only Son to die on the cross for us just to wash away our sin. Sin, the things we shouldnt do...all these things,break His heart and always dissapointed Him. But God's grace and love is amazing, and He still wantto forgive us and always waiting for us to come back to His side.Never complaint, never ignore us but always waiting and keep waiting for us.
Time spent on struggle and hurt is just temporary, because we will reap joy !!And Joy is always sweeter after we struggle tough time !
We're alive because Jesus lives !
If God can give us a chance, im sure you all also have to learn to give others a chance too.
If God can change me, God can change you!
From Love Guru, Lets move from nowhere to Now Here !! tm.
Love with Faith, Trust and Believe !
i like this post!
hehehe!! really makes a person think right? for those who are in puppy ...think wice ..
just like in the movie Love Guru,
'If you're happy and you know, THINK again'
so ming ..u agree on what i wrote ?
all these people!!! learn too much from the love guru!!! profound ;)
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