During the Singapore trip, I stayed back one more day while the rest of the CHCkl member went back on saturday night to catch sunday service. I stayed at my uncle's house. That night i can sleep soundly because Manchester United won!! YES!! Then at home my aunty and another cousin still awake, and my NIECE still awake too!! YES ..MY NIECE. Uncle again, third person calling me uncle now.

My Niece, Wydia.
Her name quite cool also. ANd she look so CUTE. Haha!! especially her cheek, like roti. My cousin said that im the third person taht make her laugh and smile. Hahaha, don't play play oh. I showed this pic to few of my friends and they said her hair look like mine, Haha!! Like uncle like niece !!
...used to be a man
bongo drums are faviroute bits of food for tom elsworth
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