Ok, here are some of the pic that i took.(sorry, bad pic quality. no camera, only phone camera.)

I dont know the name for this soup but its super nice !

And my plan went well, they are surprised to see me. After that we went
to this place for breakfast. Famous with the beef noodle!

is normal portion. But for KL, this is considered large with extra meat.
The meat and kuey teow is super a lot. The meat itself can divide to
another three bowl for KL portion. RM5 for a bowl, and taste super GOOOOD !!

And he is not afraid of me, and likes to play !!

He want to hold the spoon himself. Small boy acting tough !

Went to Bukit Padang for FOOD again. We ordered a few stuff. Here's the famous
Sotong Kangkung !

Some say Cow shit, some say UFO. Funny names ! But dont let this weird thing fool you,
this thing taste AWESOMELY GOOD !!

The one im holding is actually Milk Tea Pudding, my 3rd cup one the first day in KK.
1st two cup was bubble tea !

she packed it and brought it over to KK!! Well it might look weird in this pic. Camera cacat.
But real life, this bah kut teh is the BOMB man !
Another 5 star food that must eat when im back !

No Regret !

This place is actually very very packed, many people come and eat here. You got to
stand behind the people while they are eating. I find it rude and weird but thats the only
way to get seat, or else others will take it and wait for hour to find another table.

This is normal portion in Sabah. To get this size in KL, i guess u have to tell the person
"Tambah besar besar besar".

Sang Yuk Mien !
Famous place for Yum Cha. Very nice place, good atmosphere and open till late.
Not bad.Got computer on some table for people to use while drinking or eating.

solved the rubic cube. Hahaha !! My cousin taught me and then i keep exploring,
and now i finally know how to solved it ! Piece of cake !

Soon they will be taller than me. Quite tall for a form 2 students. Oh ya,
playign Wii is one of the activites to kill my boring time there.

computer. Imagine me at that age last time. I dont think i know how to switch on
the computer. So i join them and played The Sims 3, and i created 1 Sims.
Here's how my Sims look like.. *drum roll*
Jeng Jeng Jeng !!

But i think thats my second time i tried, i dont remember the 1st time.
Not bad.

I didn't eat, but i drank two BIG bowl of Shark Fins Soup with a teaspoon of whisky in it.
Super nice wey !! Check out the shark fins, super a lot and thick! Every spoon also full
of shark fin!

the previous one. This one the dry noodle sauce is super nice. The portion is also big!

Strong taste of "G Yau Zha". haha!

We went yum cha at Yoyo!

all my relatives, celebrating my grandfather's birthday.
Food was good, as expected to my expectation. Nice !

around 7 dish. Overall not bad.

because of the hot weather. He look so cute, and he look like a girl. Haha !

And everytime i want him to call me i need tempt him with a candy.
But on my last day, the last time i saw him, i asked him to call me and say bye bye,
he did it, he say without me giving any candy. He just say it like that and wave bye to me.
almost made me cry ! Bugger !! haha !! cheeky fella! lookign foward to see him next year and
new baby cousin !! Coming soon !

famous Tau Fu Fah. KL Tau fu Fah sucks, need to chew. But for this Tau Fu Fah,
its so so so soft. You can just swallow it like that without chewing. Its softer than jelly, pudding
and bird nest. 5STAR!!!!

David Lee and Kenneth Theong. Bunch of them came from KL to visit. So me and Felix
brought them to OneBorneo to jalan-jalan and makan.
Then me and Felix went to the toilet, need to pay 30cents to enter.
And inside is so Canggih Monkey ! Got Small screen !! Can watch movie trailer while
you are peeing.

and he quickly go in just to check it out and take pic

on that day. So here is the pic of one of the branch in KK. Cool right, two storey cafe, Long queue.
Just selling drinks. KL bubble tea still got a long way to catch up man. Honestly, Yoyo
Bubble Tea is seriously good !! A must try!
So basically that's all about my Chinese New Year Trip back in my hometown. A relaxing and frutiful holiday. I think this is my first super duper long post. Now im already looking foward for next year Chinese New Year. Hopefully it will be a better year than this year!
My mind is blank now, i guess i should just stop here and back to posting some korean songs that i like.
My mind is blank now, i guess i should just stop here and back to posting some korean songs that i like.
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