Sunday, November 8, 2009

Random *Updated*

Some random thoughts came into my mind while i was driving from work just now. Was thinking about why girls always complain about how they look like. Does look really that important ?Fat thin ? What define ugly ?

To me,of course too thin is not nice. But being fat doesnt mean its good too.
Girls always say they are fat, or this and that. To me, if you can see ur body shape (sand clock shape or pear shape) you are considered ok..not fat. If ur body is totally a round shape then MAYBE ..i said maybe lah are fat. But fat doesnt mean ugly. Because some people look good fleshy, and some girl look better if they are thin.

Then whats ugly to me ? well, to me ..there's no ugly. Its just not my type. Just like ice cream, i like vanilla and maybe other like chocolate or strawberry. So girls, dont complain lah. Beauty is from the character and confident of a person.

I always tell my friend about this,about my opinion on how not to look fat. Its simple, if you dont want to be fat, then dont be thin. Think about it, girl always want to be thin, if you are thin, then once u get a bit fatter, it will be very very obvious that you put on weight. But if you are slightly fleshy, u gain a lil weight people also wont notice that. RIGHT ?

And if you girls out there still want to know whether you are fat, ask yourself one question. If you are fatter than one perodua kancil, then you are fat!

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