This is my latest camera that i am aiming for. Meet my future baby, Nikon D300!! Fast, Sharp, Big, Solid, and Beautiful !!

And this is my baby's cool binocular!! 70-200mm F2.8 VR !! Canggih man !!

Hopefull i can get my hand on this camera soon!! Anyone good enough orhumble enough to buy this for me ? hehehe!!
tomolo i bring u go choose
i buy for u lah
are you serious ?u buy for me as in u pay with ur money ?
delvin.. you think too much!!! haha.. xP
drop the D300... Get D700 instead :P
hehe ..hui fen ..i didnt think too much lah ..just nice ..
and alvin, D700 is too expensive for me D300 also cant afford to buy ..
Haha! So happen I'm looking at the same camera and lens too!
D80 is not power enuf dy. Whence comes my new craving for D300, high ISO performance!
And that lens cost as much as the camera. Ooch~
Why no one stop me from buying a camera that day... haih.
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